Betekenis van:
in high spirits

in high spirits
Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • met goed humeur; in vrolijke stemming
  • happy and excited and energetic



in high spirits
Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • op luidruchtige manier vrolijk
  • happy and excited and energetic



  1. My husband is in high spirits today.
  2. The party puts everyone in high spirits.
  3. He came home in high spirits.
  4. He is in high spirits today.
  5. He is poor, but he is in high spirits.
  6. The players were in high spirits after the game.
  7. Our team was in high spirits because of the victory.
  8. Father won first prize in the photo contest and was in high spirits.
  9. The senior citizens' spirits were high in spite of the bad weather.
  10. They were all in high spirits when they set out on their travels.
  11. Tonight I am in high spirits, as if flying weightlessly through the sky.
  12. In early youth, as we contemplate our coming life, we are like children in a theatre before the curtain is raised, sitting there in high spirits and eagerly waiting for the play to begin.